Transformatic for Kubernetes

Provide your software developers with the Kubernetes autonomy they need

Provide your software developers real autonomy with Kubernetes and ArgoCD. Simplify infrastructure tasks for your DevOps or infrastructure teams with all Kubernetes data neatly mapped across software and resource catalog entities.

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The Cloud and Kubernetes alone aren’t a magic recipe

The cloud simplified software development, but the complexities other than managing hardware remain the same. Application questions on how to scale, make replicas, set up auto-healing, manage, interact, and automate everything remain unanswered.

If you’re manually doing infrastructure setup work, that means you’re not building repeatable processes. So, many development teams are busy putting out fires instead of creating value-driven work, and that’s not great for your team. With systems that rely on tribal knowledge, when someone is on vacation or quits, the rest of the team has no idea what makes the system work.

Besides, all humans make mistakes, including when it comes to application deployments. With so many automation platforms and orchestrators, it doesn’t make sense to spend time doing things manually.

Simplify Kubernetes implementation and use for your infrastructure and dev teams

Kubernetes is configuration management for your apps, and one of the reasons it exists is to remove the complexity of manually configuring apps.

With the Transformatic orchestration platform, you can likewise remove many manual steps in working with Kubernetes by creating repeatable processes that speed, simplify, and help mitigate project risks.

Simplify Kubernetes complexity with standardization and allow your software developer to focus on more value-driven work instead of putting out fires or spending considerable time on manual intervention. Your engineers will thank you for it.

Transformatic Kubernetes orchestration platform capabilities

Kubernetes Software Catalog

Enables live synchronization of Kubernetes resources, from pods and replicasets to ArgoCD projects. Use smart filters and transformations to fully map your Kubernetes resources

Kubernetes Clusters

Enable golden paths and guardrails with Kubernetes self-service actions like changing replica counts, redeploying image tags, modifying auto-scaling groups, or rolling back running services


Drive high development standards by setting thresholds for your cluster versions, replicasets configuration, and ensure that CPU and memory limits do not exceed a certain threshold

Connect all your work tools securely

T-Matic works with your existing tools and helps you get more value out of your entire tech stack. Integrate them onto the platform to gain visibility on usage, costs, and dependencies.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get started with T-Matic for free?

You use T-Matic for free as an individual developer or with a team up to 5 team member accounts. Upgrade to one of the paid plans to unlock additional capabilities and team member slots.

How can I get started quickly creating a project in T-Matic?

Use T-Matic’s intuitive user interface and templates to quickly provision resources for any project. Reach out to Support and our Slack groups for tutorials and advice from developers.

Is T-Matic a scalable DevEx platform?

Transformatic is built for scale and can handle projects of any complexity and high user volumes as a cloud-native SaaS DevEx platform. There is also an option of custom implementation as an Internal Development Platform within enterprise-specific environments.

What third party integrations are available?

T-Matic is built to accommodate integrations with the tools most commonly used by developers, and the list is constantly growing. Check the Integrations Slack group for the latest list and details

Join Transformatic Beta today

Transformatic is currently available to a limited set of customers in its Beta version. We would like to work closely with you to get feedback and build features that solve problems specific to your case. Also, feel free to join our Slack community to learn more about the platform’s existing opportunities for your team and your project.