Transformatic for Program Managers

A DevEx platform built to improve time-to-market and reduce cost per deployment

Improve predictability and velocity by delivering business results on limited budgets and managing more code in more programming languages. Increase productivity with templates, efficiently organized code development, and data-driven analysis.

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Address core problems blocking development productivity

The high costs and inflexibility of monolithic architectures made a switch to microservices choice.

Cloud microservices and tools, if not standardized, come with their own downsides: cognitive load (what individual developers needs to know to run an application) is increasing and makes project timelines less predictable, as finding errors and debugging become a challenge, causing constant rollbacks. Security and compliance are also hard to enforce, causing increasing business risks.

Team productivity suffers and capacity isn’t easily scalable as troubles retaining top talent grows and developer onboarding takes too long because of many different technologies and tools to learn.

 Increase software productivity by decreasing development environment complexity

Implementing Transformatic as an internal developer platform increases developer productivity, improves time-to-market, and reduces cost per deployment.

AI code generation eliminates developer toil, shortens release cycles while gaining better predictability and lower cost per cycle.

Improved visibility and governance solve the problems of overruns, delays, and security vulnerabilities.

Transitioning to standardized code-based interaction methods between developers and the platform improves developer productivity, resulting in significant ROI improvement.

Enable digital transformation with workflow and code automation capabilities

Performance and Access

Granurarly control users’ and teams’ metrics and permissions to view, access, manage and track software catalog components, metrics, and scorecards

Audit Trail & Timeline

View all changes for the organization's software catalog tracked and visualized with an audit trail tracked and represented in a useful manner

Streamlined Approvals

Approve team member requests for new infrastructure to expedite new product development by reducing the wait and process waste

Optimized Infrastructure Costs

Monitor and manage the organization's infrastructure components and runtime costs

Manage and Publish APIs

Simplify access control to your product API and enable 3rd parties to try product API in action

Simplify and manage workflow with clarity

T-Matic works with your existing tools and helps you get more value from your entire tech stack. Integrate it to gain visibility on usage, costs, and access.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get started with T-Matic for free?

You use T-Matic for free as an individual developer or with a team up to 5 team member accounts. Upgrade to one of the paid plans to unlock additional capabilities and team member slots.

How can I get started quickly creating a project in T-Matic?

Use T-Matic’s intuitive user interface and templates to quickly provision resources for any project. Reach out to Support and our Slack groups for tutorials and advice from developers.

Is T-Matic a scalable DevEx platform?

Transformatic is built for scale and can handle projects of any complexity and high user volumes as a cloud-native SaaS DevEx platform. There is also an option of custom implementation as an Internal Development Platform within enterprise-specific environments.

What third party integrations are available?

T-Matic is built to accommodate integrations with the tools most commonly used by developers, and the list is constantly growing. Check the Integrations Slack group for the latest list and details

How would I benefit from T-matic?

With T-Matic, you can save time on describing the organization's assets inventory, get an overview of important metrics collected by New Relic/DataDog/Grafana, and integrate Sentry and Splunk to trace runtime exceptions for platform components and get responsible users assigned to platform components to acknowledge and resolve the incidents.

Join Transformatic Beta today

Transformatic is currently available to a limited set of customers in its Beta version. We would like to work closely with you to get feedback and build features that solve problems specific to your case. Also, feel free to join our Slack community to learn more about the platform’s existing opportunities for your team and your project.